Crochet Kindle cover

Hello my fellow crafting peeps.

Back in September I had a lovely email from Red Heart UK asking if I’d be interested in a sample bag of some of their product (Red Heart have recently started selling in the UK though have been established for years in the US). Of course never would I turn down the offer of free yarn so I replied with a postal address and a couple of weeks later this arrived…

Red Heart goodie bag

…different varieties of their yarn, sample cards and a measuring tape all in a sturdy project bag!

I fell in love with the Soft Baby Steps aran yarn and immediately thought of a project to use it for – a cover for my Kindle.

Red Heart Baby Steps yarn

I wanted to try out a new stitch so I flicked though the Handbook of Crochet Stitches by Betty Barnden.

Handbook of crochet stitches book

This book contains loads of yummy pics of different crochet stitches as well as info on crochet techniques. I decided to crochet a relief stitch  – relief trebles to be precise.

KIndle pattern

I followed the pattern on the right hand page but after a while I looked at what I’d done and thought that it looks more like the photo on the left page?! I’ve spoken to a couple of a friends about this and they say that the publisher may have got the photos and the patterns mixed up. Most likely it’s probably the fact I’ve used a multicoloured yarn and it’s creating some sort of optical illusion on my eyes 😉

Creative Pixie Kindle cover and Flynn

So here I am crocheting with one of my gorgeous kittens, Flynn. She loves watching me crochet, the other kitten Luna isn’t really fussed, it’s funny how they’re different.

Anyway…. here is the finished Kindle cover.

I just crocheted a rectangle in my pattern of choice, folded it up a 1/3 then crocheted up the 2 sides, sewed on a big old button from my stash and crocheted a chain to use as a loop. The yarn was so soft and a pleasure to use and a 100g ball was enough for this project. I would definitely recommend it to fellow crocheters/knitters and would love to make some clothing with it in future.

Creative Pixie Kindle cover 3

A close up of the thick textured stitch…

Creative Pixie Kindle cover close up

Creative Pixie Kindle cover 2I think the cover looks a lot better than the boring old black leather one it was in.

I have a couple of ideas for the other yarns. I gave the green one to my friend Sarah as she was lusting over she really was. I look forward to seeing what she makes with it.

Many thanks to Red Heart for thinking of me.

I hope to pay it forward to some of my fellow crafters – watch this space.


p.s don’t forget you can follow me on Twitter and Facebook

14 thoughts on “Crochet Kindle cover

    1. Thanks, I prefer crochet to knitting as I find the results are quicker (though that’s probably due to my slow knitting technique).

  1. Jean, the cover is perfect, and oh, so pretty!! I love the stitch and the pattern. I’ve never tried that stitch before – actually I’ve never come across it until now. Oh, I do miss crocheting, and now that the weather is getting cooler, I’m looking forward to picking it up again. How much fun to get free yarn and enjoy. Red Heart should add your Kindle cover pattern on one of their yarns.

    Blessings for more inspiration,
    Marianne xo

  2. Why are we always so quick to blame ourselves when things don’t go quite the way that we expect? Why not trust what others said about the stitch? I think it has come up really well.

  3. This looks so nice 🙂 I think I may try and knit one for my kindle, also so lucky to get free yarn it looks really nice yarn too

    1. Yes I’ve been blessed with the yarn I’ve received – the Baby soft steps is a lovely yarn to use. I’d like to make something else with it.

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